Dr Meena Nandagopal is a Pediatric Anesthesiologist and a Pain specialist in practice at HHSC for the past 15 years. Her special interest is in Acupuncture as complementary therapy for Western pain management services. She is a CMAG (Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Graduate ) who completed her basic, intermediary and advanced courses in Acupuncture @ McMaster University, Hamilton, ON. Her training includes Cosmetic Acupuncture course @ Toronto , ON.
She has been teaching at Contemporary Acupuncture training course conducted by McMaster and also at the advanced women’s issues course in Acupuncture from puberty to menopause. She has presented in international conferences in Prague ( Europe ) and Toronto ( Canada ).
Apart from the pain management issues she specializes in Acupuncture for IVF ( Invitro Fertilization ) in primary and secondary infertility.